Most of the recipes that I have posted are recipes that we have been making for a number of years - those that have stood the test of time. This recipe is the exception (but what a worthwhile exception!). Three weeks ago at church a young man in our ward brought a bucket of this delightfulness to share with all the young women that I work with to say thanks for their help with his Eagle Scout project. I admit that I almost didn't try it - but based on the response of the girls I took a bite...and then another...and another...holy cow!
It was obviously a caramel topping but we could not determine amongst us what type of "puff" had been doused in caramel coating. Twenty four hours later I could not take it and I emailed the young man's mom and she graciously passed along the secret "puff" ingredient as well as the entire recipe. The "puff" is Chester's Puffcorn - in butter flavor. I was previously not aware of Chester's Puffcorn, but have since been successful at finding it at Target (with a grocery section) and at WINCO.
That was three weeks ago and I have made this recipe three times. Oh, and I have two bags of Chesters in my pantry just in case I need to make it again on short notice. Addictive I tell you!

(recipe from Angie S.)
printable version
In a 2 quart microwavable glass bowl, combine:
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup light karo syrup
1/4 tsp. salt
Stir the ingredients together and microwave for 2 minutes.
Remove from the microwave, stir and microwave again for 2 minutes.
Remove again from the microwave, stir and microwave once again for 2 minutes.
Remove from the microwave and add:
1/2 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Stir well (it will foam up).
Add entire bag of butter flavored Chester's Puffcorn and mix well.
Return the bowl to the microwave and cook for 1 1/2 minutes.
Remove from the microwave, stir again and return to microwave for another 1 1/2 minutes.
Remove from the microwave, stir again and pour out onto a cookie tray.
Once it has cooled slightly, break the pieces into small chunks and allow to cool completely.
I cannot wait to try this and I am so happy to discover your blog! You are awesome.